Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leavin' old Durham town again

A lovely last day with my sister.  The wind was still blowi ng a gale across the valleys but the sun shone brightly never-the-less.  Had lunch at The George,a very olde worldly pub still with all the original fireplace and hardware.

Met Dee off the train at Durham and found our resting place for the night at St Chad's near the cathedral and university.  The down side was we had to park the car fifteen minutes away from the YHA and of course we got lost trying to find the place.

Had a pleasant walk on the way back and enjoyed beautiful views of the cathedral towers reflected in the the river which flows beneath.  What an amazing feat of engineering and architecture considering it is over 900 years old.

We have to back track to my sister's again tomorrow as I left my sneakers there then it's off north we go.  Hoping to get north of Edinburgh before it gets too late..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tripping again

Biking wiith my cousin Jon
 Much has happened since I last wrote but since I have not been in much of a positive frame of mind I was not too motivated to write much.  However, as with all experiences, good or bad, we can choose to learn from them or not.  I learned a couple of things; one, that there are even more negative people around than I and; two, I need the social stimulation of other people around me.  I don't handle social isolation very well.  Maybe that is something I will have to deal with along the way.  Anyway, on a positive note I have a few pounds in the bank, so no gain without some pain.......alas!

Old friends with my cousin Jon centre 
Enjoyed time with old friends in Newcastle and as always reminiscing and laughing about the old days when we were young and daft.  Met my old aunt of 92 who is such an inspiration and still has all her marbles.  Such an encouragement when you hear so much about Alzheimer's disease.  You get to a stage of thinking it is an inevitable part of old age but happily it is not.  My cousin Jon took me on a long run on his Yamaha (he decided not to take me on his racing bike for a first run (thank you Jon). As he would say, it was hellish!

View from Carol's back door yesterday
Am currently at my sister's near Durham city.  The wind has been howling and screaming across the countryside here.  I think it is the tail end of hurricane Irene.  Hoping it will all blow over before Thursday when I head off to Scotland and John O' Groats.  I'm not too worried about the weather so long the Scottish mists behave and we can experience the glorious views of the Highlands.  We have six days to see as much as we can which doesn't seem much but I keep forgetting that it doesn't take long to travel anywhere in Britain.  I have to switch from my Oz time and distance mode of thinking.

Am looking forward to catching up with Dee tomorrow, who will be traveling with me, one of my work colleagues from last year.  Staying at St Chad's YHA in Durham tomorrow night, part of the Durham University campus.
St Chad's, YHA Durham



Thursday, July 21, 2011

Goodbye Birkenhead

I feel like a bird that has just flown out of the cage....freeeedom! Finally I am out of boot camp

I was on my way to the train station when the agency rang me to offer me work from the 3rd August.  I said, "Well hang on' I've got work here in Birkenhead on that date".   "Oh!" she said, "that was cancelled last night".  As I write no-one yet knows why I was cancelled.  It is a mystery! And I am so happy, happy, happy!  What a relief!  The night before I was to leave, one of the family called in armed with laminated lists of rules to stick on various walls around the house.  "Jo, this has nothing to do with you is for the benefit of future carers OK".  Right...I don't think.  My heart slid into my shoes when I saw all these rules.  My first thought was "I'm out of here....three weeks more and that's it".  So Halleluliah! .no more Birkenhead.  If I can survive that I can survive anything.  Even my dear old client in Cambridge, with double incontinence, aggressive behaviour, dementia and night disturbances was easier than this lady.  It is sad 'cause it could have been so much more pleasant.

So here I am with Scott and Emma, and have enjoyed the leafy surrounds of Epping Forest for a couple of days.  Am off to Durham tomorrow via bus....six and a half hours! Twice the time on the train but half the price.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ferry 'Cross the Mersey

Saturday afternoon was brilliant. After discussions with the agency about me having a adequate time off the family organised for me to have Saturday afternoon free.  Once my dear lady got over the trauma of me having all that time out of the house the daughter dropped me off at the ferry and I enjoyed the experience of the famous sixties song Ferry 'Cross the Mersey.....they even played the song onboard.  It took a whole 10 minutes to cross from the Birkenhead side to the Liverpool side.  Access from one side to the other is usually via the underground tunnel, apparently the first tunnel under water to be built worldwide.

My afternoon in the city was hardly earthshattering but it was great to do normal things and enjoy just being part of the city life. I ended up in a Rockerfellas hamburger bar ....was very 50's Happy Days style.  I kept wondering if the Fonz was going to pop out of the woodwork. 

Saturday afternoon in Liverpool is not much different from any other city in that there are absolutely crowds of people everywhere.  One would hardly think there was a recession on here with so many people in the shopping plaza but I suppose they could all be like me, only time to spend but not much else. 

It has come to light that I am dealing with someone who has obsessive compulsive tendencies....I knew there was something wierd going on.  It sort of helps to know there is a mental health issue and not just a personality clash.  I am afraid I am too old to be told constantly when I am not doing something the 'right' way or I should be doing something other than what I am doing.  The family seem to have complied with it all their lives and expect the us to do the same....all for the sake of peace!  I am starting to see that my ego is about the size of a battle ship and will take some battering before I submit to such pedantic requests.  What was the story of the little girl who when she was good she was really, really good, and when she was bad she was is a bit like that but is actually quite sweet and lovely for a lot of the time.

Ten days to go and then two weeks off!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mother Duck said...Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

I have been so tired by the time bed time finally comes round I haven't had the creative energy to write anything. It is now Sat 9th July and as I write I keep getting a blog error coming up so goodness knows if this is going to complete. 

The neighbours across the road are at it again after another hot day so it looks like being another sleepless night.

Each day has been much the same, excruciatingly mundane; however, there was one bright spot this week when I went off to the park for a short break.  As I approached the park a mother duck waddled out with her four little ducklings.  She was trying to get back in through the fence but was too fat.  Another local lady had gone to the rescue but had a huge dalmation dog to contend with too....not a good combination with ducks. So it was left to me to try get mother duck back into the park.  No easy task!

After fruitless efforts trying to get back throught the fence she took off up the footpath with little ducklings falling over each other trying to keep up and headed straight across the road with kiddies in tow. So there was I on my eagerly looked forward to break holding up the traffic so mother duck could get across the road without being squished. Then it was round all the houses till she finally found her way back across the road again....this time I had to stop a bus which made the driver's day and with the help of a John Lennon speak guy and a young lad from the nearby garage we all finally get the family of five back into the park.....last seen waddling across the vast lawns.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Why am I here?

I have to keep reminding myself why I am here?  Money and traveling!!  First pay week tomorrow.  Two more to go then two weeks off. 

I had a serious thought today of quitting after I have my Scottish Highlands fling in September and head back to Aus via Canada and visit my sister there for a couple of weeks.  This is doing my head in.  I will give it my best shot to the end of these three weeks and see how it goes.  Apparently my saving grace is I am a marvelous cook....the best yet!....Sigh!  Pity my patience levels weren't as good. 

The weather has been really balmy for the last three days or so but cooler days ahead, surprise, surprise.  So warm in fact the neighbours across the road (imagine Coronation st) have been sitting at the front door step two nights in a row talking their heads off.  I couldnt stand it any longer last night and went to the door and asked them to turn it down.....a waste of time....called the police at 2 a.m. who were even less helpful.  So as far as I'm concerned the cooler weather cant come quick enough.  So far tonight it is peace and quiet. 

Hopefully I will be in a better frame of mind tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting better?

Am finally feeling in a more positive frame of mind.  Have now been at my new client's four days and seriously wondering if I was going to last the week.  However, I think I turned a corner today and the future is looking a lot brighter.  Initially the family did not seem very supportive and I was not being given much time off but after some discussion with the agency and an honest talk with the family it all seems to be coming together and they are now asking me how long can I stay!  Gee, it's nice to be suddenly appreciated.  So, once I can crack making perfectly smooth, creamy, thin porridge for my LOL it will be downhill all the way.  Once we get past breakfast the day improves by the hour.  It's been a bit like the three bears story so God willing, Goldilocks will finally hear the famous words....Ooooh! it's just right!

The area round here is not exactly uptown but there is a lovely park just at the end of the road, Birkenhead Park.  Apparently Central Park in New York is designed after it.

I am feeling a bit starved of decent shops but that is probably a good thing as I cant buy anything without adding weight to my already heavy load.  Discovered a cool little coffee shop in the village ten minutes walk away so that will be my little haven when I want to feel like a normal person.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Love Liverpool

What an amazing day!  Apart from a two hour restful train journey have not stopped all day.  Well sort of restful....seems I picked the only carriage that had no air conditioning....even the shop lady nearly had a fainting fit.  Can you believe that some of the trains had to reduce their speed yesterday in the  heat wave 'cause the overhead wires stretched so much in the heat and were in danger of touching the trains travelling underneath. I think that funny.

Liverpool is an amazing city.  I had no idea.  The city was packed with shoppers and it took me half an hour to trundle my suitcase and bags to the YHA ....a little bit further than I imagined. The Y here is very  modern and very comfortable.  I had no towel and was not going to pay 4GBPs for one so the lovely young lad at the desk snuck me one into my room....sweet.

I was intent on doing a Red Bus Tour but was disappointed to find I had left it too late.  However, all was not lost when I discovered the Yellow Duck Marine (Yes I know ...we even sang the song!).  It was an aquatic bus (surprise, surprise) and we plunged into Albert Dock at the speed of knots......hilarious.  Not what I was expecting to happen today.  The whole of the dock area on the Mersey has been revamped (not unlike Darling Harbour and Pier One in Sydney)  but here with huge old warehouse buildings dating back to the days when cotton was king.

I missed taking a photo of the Cavern Club on the Duck so I was determined to go back and have a proper look.  So glad I did.  I ventured inside and down all the stairs.  It is actually like a huge cellar under the ground.  Fabulous atmosphere and packed out.  I felt quite at home with all the other camera clicking crowd.

I ordered a Savion Blank 'cause the bar man didn't have any Shardonie and revelled in listening to a Look alike Beatles twosome belting out She Loves You Yeah Yeah Yeah and Money Cant Buy You Love.  Could have stayed there for hours but had to get back to the Y for Chicken Korma.

So had a great day and ready now I think to take my LOL (lovely old lady) under my wing.  I heard she is very anxious about me coming.  Changeovers are always stressful for carer and client alike.  Tomorrow is a new day and another beginning.  Life is one long adventure.  So glad the fog has lifted and the sun is still shining.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heat Wave!

Phew!  It is very warm.  Daily Mail says temperature will be hotter than Miami and Barbados.  However, heavy rain and thunderstorms are forecast for tonight....Ah well! Was good while it lasted.

Did some local tourist stuff today and walked my ankles off.  Went to the Harrow Heritage Centre but unfortunately the brochure was more interesting than the centre.  All done in 15 minutes.  Ate an egg sandwich in the rose garden and went home.

The bus ride was probably the most exciting part of the journey filled to capacity with the League of Nations.

On the way home, for a little quiet interlude and a spot of let's feel-sorry-for-Jo contemplation, I ducked into a little ancient church tucked in between the city's modern shops.  I felt rather affronted to be greeted with the wild, clear and ear piercing blasts of a trumpet.  I sat down in a pew, nevertheless, and the thought maybe this is God saying 'Get a grip Jo and just be glad you're still alive and kicking'.  So I just sat there and enjoyed the moment.  It was quite brilliant really.  Talk about  Blow the Trumpet in Zion. Was only half a dozen in the audience and I wanted to clap but didn't feel bold enough to initiate an applause. 

Packing again tonight and back on the trains again tomorrow.  Work begins on Wednesday.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Bit Further Along the Way

This blog is born out of an effort to be occupied and to resist the tendency towards boredom.  A plan to visit the British Museum this afternoon was foiled with the realization of weekend repairs and maintenance on the train tracks into the city.  Am not up to navigating London via different routes esp by bus.

Harrow School founded in 1572 during reign of Elizabeth I, began with one recorded pupil, then settled into its gradual growth towards fame. Famous old Harrovians include Lord Byron, Winston Churchill, and King Hussein of Jordan
Am currently staying in Harrow and was warmly welcomed as usual by my friend Carol.  It has been over a week since I arrived back in England's green and pleasant land and I am sure I don't know where the time has gone.  Four hours after I landed I was invaded with British germs and have battled a cough and cold all week.  Jet lag is behind me and the enjoyment of long, light nights is ahead.  The weather has not been exactly very summerish but it is warm enough to wander out without a hat and coat on, in between the rain that is!

It was great to see my son, Scott, again; enjoyed a pub meal and shared past highlights and concerns.I had a bad moment on the way back to the Underground when I sickingly realized I had left my travel purse back at the pub along with passports.  Oh! the relief to see it lying there under the table was profound.  Nearly kissed the barman!

My big adventure of the week was to go to the theatre in the west-end so ended up seeing Billy Elliott, mainly 'cause I loved the movie but also to reconnect with my roots in Co Durham where the story originates.

 Fortunately, I have long got over doing things solo but I seem to have lost the skill of managing time on my own and stumbled into my seat seconds before the last call.  My seat was square in the middle of two lovely English ladies who took every chance to tell me how great the show is and I must go see The Lion King.  I reckon the theatre was built in the days when people were five foot nothing as even at five feet two I still had to bend my knees sideways to fit in.

Billy Elliot is set against the background of the British miners' strike of 1984/85 and charts the fortunes of the striking men alongside Billy's personal struggle to become a dancer in a world of hard hats and boxing gloves. The story is also mirrored by the young actors who play Billy, whose own true-life experiences of coming from obscurity to command the West End stage are an inspirational demonstration of the power of dreams. 

That I have no memory of this significant event in the history of  my origins from the north-east of England (though I do remember something about the mines being closed - thanks to Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher) only seems to reinforce the reality of how entrenched I must have become in my new life in AustraliaHowever, I still  well remember the stomp of the miners' boots coming down the hill from the mine past my house as a little kid and I'm pretty sure my granddad was a miner or at least one of my Dad's uncle's was one.  Somebody in the family was a miner, I'm sure!

I still feel some sadness leaving Aus behind but hopefully the fruit of the financial benefits will make it worthwhile and the opportunities to reconnect with friends and family and a planned trip to Scotland in September is something to look forward to.