Monday, June 27, 2011

Heat Wave!

Phew!  It is very warm.  Daily Mail says temperature will be hotter than Miami and Barbados.  However, heavy rain and thunderstorms are forecast for tonight....Ah well! Was good while it lasted.

Did some local tourist stuff today and walked my ankles off.  Went to the Harrow Heritage Centre but unfortunately the brochure was more interesting than the centre.  All done in 15 minutes.  Ate an egg sandwich in the rose garden and went home.

The bus ride was probably the most exciting part of the journey filled to capacity with the League of Nations.

On the way home, for a little quiet interlude and a spot of let's feel-sorry-for-Jo contemplation, I ducked into a little ancient church tucked in between the city's modern shops.  I felt rather affronted to be greeted with the wild, clear and ear piercing blasts of a trumpet.  I sat down in a pew, nevertheless, and the thought maybe this is God saying 'Get a grip Jo and just be glad you're still alive and kicking'.  So I just sat there and enjoyed the moment.  It was quite brilliant really.  Talk about  Blow the Trumpet in Zion. Was only half a dozen in the audience and I wanted to clap but didn't feel bold enough to initiate an applause. 

Packing again tonight and back on the trains again tomorrow.  Work begins on Wednesday.

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